Ukrainians march for freedom on their independence day


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Jul 06, 2023

Ukrainians march for freedom on their independence day

BY THE VILLAGE SUN | Decked out in blue and yellow, marchers celebrating Ukrainian Independence Day gathered at the Washington Square Arch on Thurs., Aug. 24, before marching down toward City Hall. At

BY THE VILLAGE SUN | Decked out in blue and yellow, marchers celebrating Ukrainian Independence Day gathered at the Washington Square Arch on Thurs., Aug. 24, before marching down toward City Hall.

At least one woman wore a “F— You Putin” T-shirt. But it seems a pretty mild statement, given that the Russian strongman’s unprovoked invasion has left a combined nearly half a million Russian and Ukrainian fighters dead or wounded.

According to a New York Times article from a few months ago, “In just a year and a half, Ukraine’s military deaths have already surpassed the number of American troops who died during the nearly two decades U.S. units were in Vietnam (roughly 58,000)… .”

Meanwhile, thousands of civilians have been killed and millions more displaced.